Thursday 11 November 2010

Generation 1.1 - Introducing Esme

Hi there! I'm Esme Amour! I'm a dramatic, family oriented, green thumb, natural cook and friendly!
I have two dreams, to become a fashion phenomenon, and to be the founder of a 10 generation legacy! Sounds fun right! But, I have a few rules to make sure my challenge runs smoothly! So, here goes!
  • Heir's must all be female, and the heir will be decided by readers via my facebook page (Click Here!)
  • All traits must be randomized, although each heiress must inherit the family oriented trait on their birthday between teen and young adult.
  • Strictly No Cheats! 

 So, I needed to buy a big lot so that I would be able to build a big house once I had the money, but that lot cost me a lot of money, which only left me with enough money to buy a cheap bed, a chair, a fridge, sink, toilet, shower and a wall! I needed quite a lot more money so that I could have four walls around me, so I decided that a job was what I needed!

I decided to get a job in the salon, so that I could get money and fulfill my lifetime wish!
 I got the job! I was so pleased, although I had to wait 2 days until I got to work, so I passed the time by finding my Mr. Perfect!
Christopher Steel was the first guy I set my eyes on after walking around for hours! I introduced myself.
He invited me inside and we got talking.
We soon became friends and in my head I secretly knew he was the one.
 I knew it was time to confess my attraction to Christopher and he agreed that we really were made for eachother!
 And, I leaned in, and kissed him!

I asked him to be my boyfriend,
And he accepted!
I proposed to him...
And he said yes!
And we married right there on the spot!
After Christopher moved in, he brought money, and we were able to build a small house!

We're going to get some well deserved rest right now, so be sure to follow this blog and catch up on what goes on in my legacy!

Esme x

You can find my other blogs here-
My The Sims 3 100 Baby Challenge
If I was a Rich Girl-A The Sims 3 story 


  1. Ebony is the cutest little one! She looks alot like her mommy!! I also love the Labour Pic!! She looks amazing!! I cant wait to see more hunny!!
