Saturday 13 November 2010

Generation 1.2 - A New Baby?

I was so excited to be married and that my legacy challenge was progressing! All I needed now was a baby.
I spoke to Christopher about a baby, and we came to a decision that we would concentrate on work first so that we could afford the baby's needs. I slept peacefully that night, knowing that one day I would be a mum and be fulfilling my dreams.
The next day I went to my first day as a fashion fledgling and I had the horrifying job of choosing Judy Bunch's SLEEPWEAR. That image will be in my head for the rest of my life, although I got §60 for it!
I had no more jobs available, so I went home and spent some quality time with my apple tree.
Now I'd started to fulfill my dream, Christopher went to try and fulfill his. He wanted to present the perfect private aquarium, so he went to a private beach to fish on his own.
I bought an easel and started to gain a painting skill point, so I could one day paint the portraits of my family and paint masterpieces so I'd get money.
That night we WooHooed, but secretly I hoped this time it was for a baby...
Claire Ursine recently had a baby, and wanted a new outfit. I gave her this one thinking it was quite nice, although I was highly jealous that she got to have a beautiful baby and I didn't. It was then I noticed how much I actually wanted a baby...

That night to my utter astonishment, I felt movement in my stomach! At that point, I knew I was pregnant.
So I announced my pregnancy to Christopher,
and he was thrilled!
"Really?! That's great sweetie!" Christopher smiled.
"Thank you for being happy, I was worried you didn't want this," I smiled as he wrapped me in a hug.
"Esme, I want to do this legacy just as much as you do, of course I'm happy!" He laughed.
 After Christopher went to work, I tended my apple tree. I noticed that this was how my life would work, as my first apple tree grew, my first baby grew.
I smiled to myself and felt my growing stomach as the pleasant thoughts surrounded me of how much this tree would actually mean to our family.
 "Hi love," He smiled when he got home from work and kissed me passionately.
"Hi baby," He smiled and stroked my stomach.
 "Hi daddy!" He said in a high voice imitating the baby as I chuckled.
My garden was coming along nicely, and my apple tree was ready for harvest, whilst the new saplings were growing quickly, and I was excited to get my gardening skill to level 10, so I could plant every type of seed and watch them flourish...kind of like my family.
I was pleased that Christopher was advancing in his career in the Law Enforcement; he'd been promoted from a Snitch to a Desk Jockey.
That night, I woke up to sharp pains, and after a call to my midwife, I found out I was in labour!
Christopher called the cab quickly and as we drove on our way to the birth of our first child, and a possible heir, I smiled over the pain of the pain of the contractions, but I could tell that Christopher was filled with mixed emotions of panic and worry. I grabbed his hand and softly told him, "Don't worry, I'll help you," as we stared into each others eyes.

At 10:44pm on Week 1 Day 7, Baby Ebony Amour was born. I deleted the bad custom content after she was born and she turned out completely invisible, so I was forced to grow her up 2 days earlier than I was supposed to, but I couldn't interact with her otherwise!
Ebony is definitely my little princess, but could she be the first heiress to the Amour Legacy?
That's for you to decide!

Esme x

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