Saturday 13 November 2010

Generation 1.3 - Who'll be the Heiress?

Tending the apple tree, I thought about how surprisingly well my challenge had started, what with my first child being a girl without any cheats. I could hear Ebony giggle as she drank from her bottle inside the house, while Christopher sang 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' to her as he made pancakes. I smiled to myself at how well he'd taken to life as a father.
I was busy with my garden, until I suddenly had the urge to vomit. I looked down at my stomach, I couldn't be pregnant, right? I've only just had a baby... I decided not to tell Christopher until I was totally sure.
I whispered my secret to Ebony whilst Christopher cleaned the bathroom; she was the only one who couldn't tell anyone else, and she didn't really understand either, although she seemed quite intellectual - it was as if she understood every word I'd said.
Christopher went fishing, so I brought Ebony outside and she played with her bear as I watered my grape plants. 
I taught her to walk, which filled me with a real happiness that my little girl was growing and learning!
I went to the graveyard at midnight as it was a wish of mine, where I fell pregnant!
After fishing together for a while, Christopher caught a chest. After opening it with thrill, he was disappointed to find it was just bubble bath. 
 I think Christopher could tell I was pregnant, so I never had to tell him. He was happy for me!
Then, a few nights later, I went into labour for the second time!
and we headed to the hospital to give birth to my new baby, another possible heiress maybe?
and baby Cara was born!

Esme x

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